Who am I to teach You how to write articles

Who am I to teach You how to write articles
If You are a regular reader of this blog, you'll have noticed that many of the recommendations that I give in the materials, really work and make life a marketer, copywriter and PR much easier. At the same time, on duty, I have to write articles for various sites, with a fairly rigid requirements. Examples of such sites are Seonews, CMSmagazine, Sostav, and many others. The article is a good PR tool, especially when they read the target audience in authoritative sources. What I? In addition, if Your article is written as it should, then it is willing to accept the authoritative edition, and You get expert status in a particular area.

But enough lyrical digressions. Now I will share with You my method of writing first-class articles. Step one. The purpose of the publication

You are very lucky if You are free to choose a theme for your material. Often, however, the author clamped within certain requirements. For example, suppose we need to write an article for publication in the journal for car dealers, for example, for public relations services copywriting (creating texts).
The first thing to do is to set the goal of publication. You post an article that simply pushing the industry of copywriting (by the way, the most common mistake — the PR industry, not yourself)? Or do You want to receive orders for sales letter?
Publication in reputable journals often comes at a price. Moreover, the promoted sites are not always permitted to publish advertising texts in the framework of article format. Take for example a case in point. Then the purpose of writing, usually confined to the "beating" of the amount spent due to the formation of the expert status. The principle is simple: people read the article inspired to You trust as an authority in Your field, and make orders of products or services.



Step two. The source data for the article
The second important step is vital in order to write a quality article, is to collect all available baseline data. Why is it necessary? Explain. For example, in our example, magazine dealers, You decide to skip this step and wrote an article about what good copywriting helps increase sales from the site. You wrote it, that is, for all, the problem of auto dealers touched on superficially (if at all touched upon), so the probability that the response for publication to leave much to be desired.
On the other hand, when You collect the source data for the article, You see the direction in which You need to move to achieve the goal. And here are the issues that You with this help:
For whom You write the article (gender, age, SOC. status, problems)? What is the purpose?
What are the problems of the reader You can solve?
Why are these problems relevant?
Who can help (in terms of information)?
When You have the answers to all these questions, You can feel the problems of Your readers, to get used to their role and to speak their language. Next, you can proceed to the next step.

Den Brown

A 19-year-old freelance writer based in USA, New York City :)