Make good the layout of your article.

Always break up the text of your page into small paragraphs. In any case, don't publish an article one continuous text array, or paragraphs. This text is very bad to read on the screen of the monitor, chances are that your article simply will not be read.

As for long lines, it also should not be too large. Long strings of “overlap” between themselves and the text very hard to read. Therefore, try to make rows no more than about 20 cm, preferably 10 – 15cm in Dean. Do not forget about the size and type of font. Do not make font size too small. Read the small print very quickly tire the eyes.
I want to note that writing articles for the Internet can be almost anyone. And the article was clear, readable and popular I suggest you stick to the above recommendations. From how the article will meet these recommendations and the popularity of the topics raised in the article will depend on its success.

Den Brown

A 19-year-old freelance writer based in USA, New York City :)